La Roche en ArdenneGroupBeneluxClubBeneluxBeneluxGroupPetit traintouristique

available services


To guarantee an exellent stay we offer you different services.


Service included

  • • Shower
  • • Chemical toilet emptying
  • • Filling and emptying water for motorhomes.
  • • toilet buildings are equiped with changing table and baby bath
  • • space to do the dishes


Chargeable service

  • • Washing machine
  • • Dryer


Electric car charger


While you enjoy a nice beverage or quick snack at our sunny terrace you can recharge your car at one of our 6 chargers.

Bike wash


Our bike wash is the perfect way to get your bike back to brand new condition after your ride in the great outdoors.

Recycle the trash


In our container park, waste sorting is a key priority to protect the environment and promote recycling. We have specific containers for various types of waste: plastics, paper and cardboard, glass, and organic matter. Each container is clearly labeled to aid in sorting and ensure efficient waste management. We encourage our residents and visitors to actively participate in this eco-friendly effort to keep the campsite clean and contribute to the preservation of our planet.

Daily life at Club Belenux